Chapter 39. Sample Applications

39.1. Overview

The Spring CodeConfig for .NET project includes three sample applications:

39.2. Spring.IoCQuickStart.MovieFinder

The Spring.IoCQuickStart.MovieFinder sample application is the same fundamental code as provided in the sample app by the same name that is provided with the main Spring.NET Framework download package. This section assumes you are already familiar with the sample application as provided in that download package. This version of this sample application has been modified to rely upon CodeConfig for its Object Definitions.

39.2.1. Modifying App.config

The first modification to the existing sample application involves changes to the <spring> element in the App.config file:


      <!-- Equivalent to 'NamespaceParserRegistry.RegisterParser(typeof(ContextNamespaceParser));' -->
      <parser type="Spring.Context.Config.ContextNamespaceParser, Spring.Core.Configuration" />

      <!-- using embedded assembly configuration file -->
      <resource uri="assembly://Spring.IocQuickStart.MovieFinder/Spring.IocQuickStart.MovieFinder/CodeConfigBootstrap.xml"/>


The important changes here are the introducton of the <parsers> section (to register the ContextNamespaceParser required for CodeConfig) and the change of the <resource> element to point to the CodeConfigBootstrap.xml file instead of the Appcontext.xml file as before.

39.2.2. Replacing Appcontext.xml with CodeConfigBootstrap.xml

Where before the Appcontext.xml contained all of the XML-based object definitions for the application, in this case the CodeConfigBootstrap.xml merely contains the single instruction telling the context to use CodeConfig:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<objects xmlns="" 

  <description>An example that demonstrates code based configuration for object definitions.</description>



In this case, the single <context:code-config/> element is sufficient to tell the context to perform scanning for its object definition metadata.

39.2.3. Introducing the MovieFinderConfiguration CodeConfig class

The final modification needed to migrate the sample application to rely upon CodeConfig is to author the classes that will provide the Object Definitions for the Application Context to discover when performing the scan. In the case of this simple application, this is encapsulated in the single new MovieFinderConfiguration class as shown in the following:

    public class MovieFinderConfiguration

        public virtual MovieLister MyMovieLister()
            MovieLister movieLister =  new MovieLister();
            movieLister.MovieFinder = FileBasedMovieFinder();
            return movieLister;


        public virtual IMovieFinder FileBasedMovieFinder()
            return new ColonDelimitedMovieFinder(new FileInfo("movies.txt"));

Using a combination of [Configuration] and [ObjectDef] attributes, this class faithfully reproduces the same Object Definition configuration as had been described by the Appcontext.xml file in the iniitial sample application as delivered with the main Spring.NET Framework download.

39.3. Spring.MvcQuickStart

The Spring.MvcQuickStart sample application is the same fundamental code as provided in the sample app by the same name that is provided with the main Spring.NET Framework download package. This section assumes you are already familiar with the sample application as provided in that download package. This version of this sample application has been modified to rely upon CodeConfig for its Object Definitions.

39.3.1. Modifying Web.config

The first modification to the existing sample application involves changes to the <spring> element in the Web.config file:

      <!-- Equivalent to 'NamespaceParserRegistry.RegisterParser(typeof(ContextNamespaceParser));' -->
      <parser type="Spring.Context.Config.ContextNamespaceParser, Spring.Core.Configuration" />

      <resource uri="~/Config/CodeConfigBootsrap.xml"/>

The important changes here are the introducton of the<parsers> section (to register the ContextNamespaceParser required for CodeConfig) and the change of the <resource> element to point to the CodeConfigBootstrap.xml file instead of the controllers.xml file as before.

In addition, the section name for the <parsers> element must be registered with the <spring> sectionGroup as shown here so that the element can be properly interpreted:

    <sectionGroup name="spring">
      <section name="context" type="Spring.Context.Support.MvcContextHandler, Spring.Web.Mvc"/>
      <section name="parsers" type="Spring.Context.Support.NamespaceParsersSectionHandler, Spring.Core"/>

        remainder of configSections element here...


39.3.2. Replacing controllers.xml with CodeConfigBootstrap.xml

Where before the controllers.xml file contained all of the XML-based object definitions for the controllers for our MVC application, in this case the CodeConfigBootstrap.xml merely contains the single instruction telling the context to use CodeConfig:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<objects xmlns="" 



In this case, the single <context:code-config/> element is sufficient to tell the context to perform scanning for its object definition metadata.

39.3.3. Introducing the ControllerConfiguration CodeConfig class

The final modification needed to migrate the sample application to rely upon CodeConfig is to author the classes that will provide the Object Definitions for the Application Context to discover when performing the scan. In the case of this simple application, this is encapsulated in the single new ControllerConfiguration class as shown in the following:

    public class ControllerConfiguration
        public virtual HomeController HomeController()
            HomeController controller = new HomeController();
            controller.Message = "Welcome to ASP.NET MVC powered by Spring.NET (Code-Config)!";
            return controller;

Using a combination of [Configuration] and [ObjectDef] attributes, this class faithfully reproduces the same Object Definition configuration as had been described by the controllers.xml file in the iniitial sample application as delivered with the main Spring.NET Framework download.

39.4. Spring.CodeConfig.Migration

This sample demonstates a step-by-step detailed examination of the process of migrating an XML-configuration based solution to use CodeConfig exclusively and is described in detail in the Introduction section of the reference documents.